Waylon's "Naked Phase"....still think he's in this, though..

Fun on the boat (Waylon and Daddy, Waylon and Nonna, Waylon and Uncle Tim)

The Zoo! (Waylon, Waylon and his cousin Charlie checking out the Gorilla)

Waylon gets an attitude, and it looks like it's here to stay. If you'll notice, Cole's fly is open in this pic, which isn't surprising since that's the case about 75% of the time! You'd think that by the time a man hits 30 he'd remember to zip up his pants, but not my man!! He's all mine, ladies!

An artist is born!

Waylon learns to "goff"

And, finally, now that the weather is cooling off at night it's time for walks with Daddy.

Hope you all had a great summer too!!
Great pics, he is getting so big!!! He will be so ready for his little brother to come!
What kind of parents put up so many naked pics of their kids? I hope you get punished for the fucking disgusting pictures. You put on hat, life-vest, shoes and socks but you wanna keep his penis naked. Why? DO you give him blow-jobs? Isn´t it illegal to exploit children and supply child porn? You shouldn´t be allowed to keep your kids! BAd parents = YOU!!!
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