1. He's a true friend (my very best) and very loyal to those he holds close to his heart.
2. He's passionate.
3. He loves the Hawkeye state. Anyone who's ever met Cole knows he's mildly obsessed with Iowa. Seriously, the man should work for the Iowa Board of Tourism.
4. He loves my family and friends. He feels just at home with them as he does with his own.

5. His family!
6. He loves his career choice and is amazing at what he does.
7. He doesn't act like a typical lawyer-type. If I had a dollar for every time someone in Iowa asked me if Cole was really an attorney I wouldn't have to work.
8. He doesn't take himself too seriously.
9. He's obsessive, and not just about Iowa. This can be annoying, but it really is endearing.

10. He's an incredible cook.
11. His sense of humor.
12. He's a dreamer.
13. Whether he's talking about a beer he's just been handed or the dinner someone has prepared, Cole will often say "I think this is the best I've ever had." The great thing is, he means it whole-heartedly every time he says it.
14. His desire to learn.

15. He whistles. This was actually the first thing that attracted me to him. Who whistles these days?
16. His favorite show is the Golden Girls. Probably the second thing that attracted me to him. When we met I thought I was the only person under the age of 60 that watched it.
17. He thinks I'm neat.
19. He's not afraid to admit when he's been a dumbass. Good thing, because this happens a lot.
20. He cries watching television. If something on tv is sure to make a teenage girl cry you can bet your bottom dollar that Cole's at home sobbing too. Ha! It's great!
21. He has traveled all over the US and Europe and his favorite place in the world is still Iowa.

22. He was a band geek. Okay, so some others of us were too for a short while, but Cole was what you might call a Master of the Brass. Just ask him, he's proud!!
23. He's a wonderful daddy!
24. He was country when country wasn't cool.
25. He loves to travel and is always up for a new adventure.
26. His intelligence.
27. The fact that after reading this post Cole will inevitably call me and politely tell me any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes I've made. He just can't help himself.
28. His self confidence.
29. He fits in with most any crowd.
30. He's a bit of a Renaissance man.
31. And finally, to quote The Minosaur, one of Waylon's favorite books, "He's mine. Mine, Mine, Mine!!"
I love you, Cole. Happy Birthday!!