A lot has happened....the holidays were nice and quiet. We were sad that we couldn't make it to Iowa. There is no place like Iowa for X-mas. We were all sick, Waylon had RSV and a double ear infection. After 6 antibiotics the ear infection lingers still and we are hoping to see an ENT about tubes next week. My poor little man has been in pain for entirely too long! He has handled it well and kept a smile on his face.
After 2 months of pushing himself around backwards Waylon finally got some forward momentum at 9 months and is all over the place now. He has a unique crawl with one leg off to the side, just using his foot to push. Now, at 10 1/2 months he is creeping along all of the furniture and should be walking soon. How exciting! He has also started using some words. Dada and Mama, of course. His first "real" word was light. And boy does he love to say it...all day long. He likes to show off to anyone who will watch him point and say light. I think we may have a future electrician. He is also fond of hot, which sounds more like "dot". "Dot", which started out for the fireplace, stove, and heater, has now come to mean anything he is not supposed to touch. Works for me, as long as he actually follows through with not touching it! He can also say Papa (Cole's stepdad) and fish...okay, ish, but close enough. We are working on duck next.
With all of Waylon's new developments he still lags behind in one area....he REFUSES to hold his own bottle! He did it when he was really young, but now wants no part of it. Apparently it is mommy's job. He actually grabs my wrist and pulls the bottle to him. Little stinker. I think mommy has spoiled him. He is also not a big fan of the sippy cup either. Anyone have some advice???!
Well, it's official...I'm thirty-something. When you're 30 you're kind of teetering between being a twenty-something and a thirty-something. Now, it's finally here. I have taken the plunge into my 30's. May as well embrace it. Don't they say older and wiser? I think I'm just getting older.
I hope everyone is doing well. I hear it's a brutal winter in Iowa! We haven't seen a bit of snow this year and are missing it. Well, missing it in the visiting sense, not the living-in-it sense. Suckers! Hee!
Here are some pictures of Waylon from the last couple of months.

Waylon and his uncle Aaron at Thanksgiving.

Waylon getting ready for his bath...no tushy, just like his daddy.

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

Waylon's ready for the weather to heat up so he can ride his hog.

The shirt says it all. A gift from his uncle Aaron.

Here's my Dapper Dan with his grandma getting ready to head to his cousin Klaudia's birthday party. It was a "dress to impress" tea party. I think he fit the part.
It is about time you came back, I have been checking on you guys for months. You have a ton to write about with Waylon, I hope to see more. Sounds like you are all doing great, which is wonderful. Hope you had a great birthday. Sucks getting older, but I agree, we must embrace it!!
You have way too many naked pics of your child on your blog. Don´t you care at all about his privacy? Shame on you!
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