Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snowy Day at Home

Only in Tennessee do law offices close for weather - in this case, about half an inch of snow.  I'm not complaining, as I was privileged enough to work from home today, which allowed me to spend some time with the family.  Here is a picture of Calvin getting ready to go to the doctor.  Notice he is donning the headwear of his future team.  Here is one of Waylon sporting his own weird hat. 

Cal_Hawks hat_1

Here are a couple of shots of our boys in the baby basket. 

boys_in_basket_1 boys_in_basket_3

It's supposed to snow more tonight.  Guess we'll see...


Anonymous said...

So sweet! I love the photo of W kissing C! Congrats!

Stephanie Griffin said...

The boys are so adorable!! I hope Jonnie is enjoying her time with you guys :)

tw said...

I love the Hawkeye hat!

Kelly said...

So adorable!! Snow in TN? Jonnie would be happy to know it is 70 degrees in B-town today!

Anita McCollum said...

Can the Hawkeye hat; get out the Vol cap! First impressions are important!